Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mother's Day is May 10th

With Mother's Day fast approaching I have been working feverishly trying to get new designs finished. I have been working with alot of bright colors for the Spring and Summer. I always seem to want to add color this time of the year. I guess with all the trees and flowers in full bloom it puts me in the mood.

I have also been experimenting with a few new designs. Feeling extra creative these day.

Well, my son's teacher is getting married this Saturday. I decided (since I must be the only one in the class that knows how) to bake a mini wedding cake to bring in and share tommorrow. I am throwing her a Wedding shower in the class. So cute. The kids will get a big kick out of it.

I am also going to have them each work on a scrapbook page for her and then assemble it at the end so she will have a scrapbook made by her students for her wedding day.

Hope it's not to corny,. But should be alot of fun.

Well have a great Tuesday everyone.


Anonymous said...

This is a very beautiful piece you've designed. :D

Jim @ CoolStuffForDads.com said...

Mini wedding cake - cool idea!!

Jacqueline V Designs said...

Thanks so much for your comments.
