Well I know I haven't posted a new blog in about a week but trust me it's literally a zoo around my house.
Just to fill you in, Baseball season has begun. So having two little boys ages 7 and 11 , each having 2 practices a week, add in CCD and homework and my son's biweekly visits to the Dermatoligist (poor baby has Psoriasis) it's litterally insane.
Oh and by the way did I tell you my 7 year old broke my camera last week. My poor husband bought me an expensive camera this Christmas specifically with my jewelry business in mind. And last week "My little angel" decided to make a video of him and his little cousin with their robots and he dropped it.
Needless to say I feel like someone cut off my arm. I have been working feverously with all my new designs for Spring with no camera.
Anyway, the "little angel" is making his 1st Holy Communion in 2 weeks and I have been running around getting favors and suits and shoes and ties.......I'm delerious.
I found the most gorgeous amber pendant with Mother of Pearl flowers, I am making myself a beautiful necklace to wear that day. I will post the picture when I am done.
Well thank you for allowing me to vent. I feel much better now. Continue to watch the crazy antics as they unfold in the next 2 weeks. It should be interesting.
Have a great Day...................<3