Friday, November 21, 2008

Every once in awhile you stumble across something and become obsessed with it, or at least I do.
I belong to ETSY as I have said before and I try to support my fellow etsians as much as possible.
I found these handmade lampwork beads in a variety of colors and became obsessed.
I created a whole collection of them in different shades of browns and taupe.
Some of them look like seashells they are absolutely gorgeous.
You can see them on my website at etsy
Of course I had to keep one bracelet for myself because they are so amazing.
I like working with swarovski crystal also and I like to incorporate different shapes of the same color crystal. I think it adds dimension to my pieces.
Well I was up until 2am last night again.
I think beading is to some as crocheting is to others. It is an insomniacs dream.
In my neighborhood there are a group of us who go out to celebrate each others birthdays, we also play cards once a month (Pokeno) and we try to give each other little gifts for our birthdays.
So of course last night I was up making a bracelet for my girlfriend Carol. It came out so pretty.
I used a Bali bead as the focal point and then surrounded the bracelet with black onyx, sterling silver bead caps and of course swarovski crystal in clear and jet. GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it is so much nicer to give someone a gift that you created yourself. I know she will love it.
Well, I am going to spend another day creating some new pieces. Please check out my etsy shop for my newest pieces.
Have a great day everyone.

1 comment:

jenscloset said...

Lovely-yes, I would love a gift like this!!